Leopard - First Impressions

Well first impressions. In a nutshell - unbelievably shite!

  • The default desktop has to go - far too distracting - too many bright white lights.
  • Then there is the transparency of the menu bar at the top of the screen. Blech.
  • When you alt-tab away from Safari, the chrome on Safari actually gets lighter. When you alt-tab back into it, it gets so dark that it is barely legible.
  • Stripes in Finder
  • No Java 6.
  • Firewall settings were rooted.
  • One good thing - when you use apple-shift-4 to indicate area of screen you want to copy, you get size indicators.

Maybe I have just been using Mac too long now and am getting set in my ways.

Anyway, it is too bleeding edge for me. I reverted back to Tiger from the full SuperDuper! clone I made just before I did the upgrade.